Greetings to all of you who dedicate yourself to your children, support and wish the best for them.

In today’s world, families face major challenges raising and educating their children. Technology brings a major threat to any child’s education, and possibly mental health, while outdated education systems fail to address this adequately. At the same time, children need to be able to keep pace with technology to be prepared for the future, while also appreciating traditional values.

How to combine both?

At the national level, traditional academic education and “human development” are being pitted against each other in a battle for which is more important. As with many things in life, balance is the key to success and happiness…

Embracing technological development does not mean sacrificing your culture, or risking your mental health, when you learn to use it to your adavantage, learning faster and more efficiently. This can only happen with the proper amount of adult supervision and influence.

Students need an environment in which psychological development, as well as life skills and a rigurous, systematic, academic education can happen in parallel.  

Olonlog Academy’s curriculum, developmental program, and organization management are integrated to aim at developing technology-savvy, highly productive, and happy individuals.

This is only the first of three essential supports for student development. In addition to the environment, there is a need for appropriate guidance or teaching methods, experience, and responsible parental involvement.

We have over 30 years of experience, excellent management and a good program, and we are ready to dedicate it to your family.

We hope that your child/ren will be one of our proud and successful students. The best way to support your child is to listen, help, and sometimes challenge them to worth and cooperate with their teachers.

Today, students have more resources and abilities than we could know or imagine. Let’s help our children along this journey.


Our belief:

  1. Every child has the ability and resources to pursue higher education and learn.
  2. Active cooperation between students, parents and school is essential for learning and development. When one party is less active, the students workload increases accordingly.
  3. To prepare for a happy and successful life, a child overcomes challenges such as getting to know himself, learning, falling in love with learning, gaining in-depth scientific knowledge in a particular field, and acquiring psychological and communication skills. Parents, guardians, and teachers need to support this and set an example of discipline and responsibility.
  4. The active participation of adults in the learning and development of children is paramount. This involvement can take many forms, such as listening, encouragement, remote guidance, creating a supportive environment, teaching, allowing for independent work, and motivation.
  5. Prosperity comes through enrichment and development, not denial. Education is no different. Tradition is a good thing, and enriching it and making it more accessible and valuable is an opportunity for development.
  6. Mother tongue education is the foundation of orderly thinking and effective communication.
  7. Learning a new foreign language is a very effective exercise in activating the brain and learning a new way of thinking.
  8. Art and aesthetics education promotes creativity, open-mindedness, openness, and the ability to find the best solution.


We recognize that everyone is unique and when we encourage young minds to think before speaking, reason while reading, and ideate to create, the possibilities of a better world are endless.


A vibrant community of lifelong learners striving for excellence united by their mutual respect for intercultural diversities.


  1. The uniqueness of every individual. We encourage our students to REASON to comprehend information, THINK to speak, and IDEATE to create. Everyone has his or her own way of thinking and expressing themselves which makes it possible to develop our world in limitless ways.  
  2. Preserving Mongolian We inherit our traditional knowledge of living. To know about and feel proud of our national traditions makes Mongolians strong and trains our brains in a distinctive way of thinking. As such, developing fluency in the mother language will support the thinking process at an advanced level.  
  3. International We equip our students and teachers with the skills and knowledge required to become not only world level leaders, but also a happy and productive individual who understands and respect the intercultural diversities of the ever-changing world. 

World citizen. We urge our community (students, teachers and parents) and society to create a better world. By supporting our community to develop and implement ideas to contribute sustainability of our ecosystem, we can build a deep understanding of humans as a part of this ecosystem.




The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the enrollment process into Olonlog Academy is clear, understandable, and efficient.


Olonlog academy’s elementary, middle, high school, and IB DP entrants

  • Application form - electronic / printed
  • A detailed study for parents
  • Training agreement
  • A Guide for Parents
Process map

Admission enquiry

Get acquainted with the school's values, concepts, policies and programs, and apply for enrollment in two ways.

    1. Come in person and complete the application form
    2. Fill out an online application and submit a request

Vacancies will be announced in May of each year and enrollment will begin. Additional enrollment will be available until the vacancy is filled.

Enrollment in the IB DP program is twice a year and is governed by additional guidelines for enrollment.

No additional enrollment in the IB DP program in the middle of the school year.

Confirmation of admission

Applications for admission to Olonlog Academy will be accepted by the training manager, who will check the vacancies and respond to the parents.

Under the general admission policy, applications for admission will be based on vacancies, regardless of the child's ethnicity, gender, social origin or beliefs.

The IB DP will confirm the applicant's application and communicate to parents and guardians with information about the further selection process.

Entrance exam

Each student who applies for admission to Olonlog Academy will take a placement test in the following subjects.

    1. Mathematics
    2. Mongolian language
    3. English

The results of the examination will be presented to the parents and guardians, and if necessary, a deadline will be set for the elimination of any deficiencies, an agreement will be reached to cooperate, and additional programs will be offered within or outside the school.

The selection of the IB DP program will be governed by additional guidelines approved for that enrollment. The general structure of the program entrance exam has the following 3 steps.

  1. An achievement of previous education and upbringing
  2. Written examination in related subjects
  3. Meetings and interviews

Registration and tuition

Olonlog Academy provides accurate information through the “Detailed Parent Questionnaire” provided by the group teacher (printed or electronic) assigned to the class by the school entrant. This survey contains questions that are necessary for the school to ensure student learning, health and safety. It also provides basic information on student-parent-teacher collaboration.

Additional materials included in the application form, along with proof of payment, will be handed over to the group teacher.

Under the “Inclusive Policy”, the information needed to create a conducive learning environment for students with special needs will be obtained from the application form and necessary improvements will be made.

Signing agreement

Olonlog Academy signs cooperation agreements with parents and guardians who decide to educate and develop their children with us.

Parent orientation

Contracted students and parents should familiarize themselves with the day-to-day operations of the school, and responsibly follow the schedules provided by class and group teachers. Parents should get Olonlog Academy’s school uniforms, additional books and textbooks from the treasurer, and actively participate in future training activities