Congratulations to all the admitted students for the IBDP. Despite the high academic demands of our programme, students are enrolled on the basis of much more than their academic profile.
Yesterday, we welcomed our IBDP students for their first academic year and successfully organized the Orientation Day, where students came with their parents to meet teachers and to do subject selection.
May all your future be bright and successful!
Олонлог Академийн Олон Улсын сургуулийн анхны хичээлийн жилийн нээлт боллоо.
Сурагчид маань багш нартайгаа уулзан сонголтоо хийлээ.
Олон улсын сургуульдаа элсэн орсон сурагчдадаа баяр хүргэе.